Tuesday, September 17, 2013

radioactive talk : branding + design

I recently completed an extensive branding project for RadioActive Talk, Portland's only radio show on branding and innovation broadcast on the city's highest rated station, KXL 101.1 FM.

I designed a logo and website, developed and printed swag (including mugs, burlap tote bags, plastic placards and t-shirts), produced a comprehensive media kit, created social media profiles, and oversaw a photo and video shoot.

RadioActive is Kevin Carroll and Jamie Mustard's defiant perspective on innovation and storytelling. With celebrity, artist, innovator and pop culture interviews across a range of human endeavors, Kevin and Jamie converse their way through the show, examining concepts and people from every angle in an attempt to artfully give their audience a new perspective.

Tune into RadioActive on Saturday mornings from 7-8am on KXL 101.1 FM.

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